Each March, Homework Hotline along with many others, take a step back to reflect on the women (and men!) who have done so much in the Women's Rights Movement. This year we will be talking with some important people and groups who are involved with empowering women (and men!) to continue the progress of the Women's Rights Movement. In addition to the Hotline video pieces, here are some resources to keep the conversations and discussions about Women's History going:
- Meet Amazing Americans: Elizabeth Cady Stanton (From Library of Congress)
- The Women's Movement (Collection from PBS LearningMedia)
- First Ladies of the United States (Collection from PBS LearningMedia)
- The Abolitionists (Collection from PBS LearningMedia)
- Women's Suffrage (From Library of Congress)
- Why Should Women Vote? (From National Archives)
- 19th Amendment to the Constitution - Women's Right to Vote (1920) (From National Archives)
- Civil Rights and the Women's Movement (From PBS LearningMedia)
- Empowerment (From PBS LearningMedia)
- Girl Develop It
- Soccer Girls Rule